By Shaya Uhr
This past Shabbos, Torah Academy high school had their first ever Shabbaton! Tampa Bay Torah High School came to Jacksonville for Shabbos, along with 3 SEED girls and Sarah Liederman an NCSY advisor to join the Shabbaton!

The Shabbos was packed with fun, connection, and inspiration. The High school girls worked really hard all week cooking for the Shabbos meals, making welcome packages, and planning the decor for the tables.
The theme of the Shabbos was “Ivdu es Hashem B’simcha”- “Serve Hashem with Joy.”
With all the pain and suffering going on in the world we can get easily distracted and forget that we have a mission to bring light into the world by serving Hashem with happiness.
The Shabbaton began with pre-Shabbos food shipped and donated by Kugel Shoppe.

We then welcomed Shabbos with Kabbalos Shabbos and singing songs together. The friday night meal was enjoyed with delicious food, words of Torah, and workshop of being happy and learning to judge others favorably. Shabbos day, everyone enjoyed lunch at the Hamaoui’s and chilling in the afternoon. Before Shalosh Sedua there was an Ask the Rabbi Session with 3 Rabbis answering questions that the girls had about Judaism.
Shalosh Seuda was enjoyed at the Smith’s, Sarah Liederman gave an inspiring workshop on the Power of Positivity and Shabbos was escorted with a Musical Havdala by Rabbi Tal. Once Shabbos was done we enjoyed going to an escape room, had melave malka and singing with guitars at the Zaguri’s.
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