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Updated: Aug 19, 2024

By Elisheva Shields

We are blessed to have a dedicated group of individuals here in Jacksonville who recite Tehillim each day for the needs of our community and all of Klal Israel. The Jewish people have been reciting the beautiful words of Tehillim for thousands of years and our Jacksonville Jewish community is honored to continue this tradition.

Look what our sages have said about the power of reciting Tehillim:

The Chida (Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azula) writes, “One who recites Tehillim each day is considered as though he fulfilled the entire Torah and merits a place beneath the Throne of Glory… One who is accustomed to [reciting] Tehillim repels all kinds of calamities and several harmful plagues from him, his household, his family members, and his entire generation.”

The third Lubavitcher Rebbe, said: “If you only knew the power that lies in the verses of Tehillim and their effect in the celestial heights, you would recite them all the time. Know that the chapters of Tehillim break through all barriers and soar aloft from level to level, unimpeded. They intercede before the Master of the Universe and secure their effect with kindness and mercy.”

And Rabbi Eliezer Papo, author of Pele Yoetz, said, “One who regularly recites Tehillim eliminates all types of misfortunes and terrible tragedies from himself, his household, his family and his whole generation, and brings upon them every form of shefa (abundance), good blessings and successes.”

Those are especially inspiring words. We take them to heart. We offer this opportunity to you (yes, you) to join us. We want all of the Jacksonville Jewish community to participate. It’s a big mitzvah and it promotes love and unity. It’s something we can do for ourselves, each other, for our hostages and soldiers fighting the war.

How It Works:

You may join the group to be notified of those who need tefillos, or to add your own names for refuah, parnassah, shidduchim, etc. We include the names of those in our community and extended community. We also daven for the souls of the departed, so if you have a name to add to our l’iluy nishmas list, we would be honored to daven for your loved one’s neshama.

For those who wish to recite Tehillim (it only takes a few minutes a day!), we have two groups - Daily and Weekly, meaning one book is completed every day by our members, and another is completed weekly. Tehillim can be said in English or Hebrew. Both groups are open to men and women. We recently reorganized the groups, so we need new people to join us to fill up the empty spaces.

Here are the sign-up sheets for each group.

Daily - for those who recite their chapters everyday

Weekly - for those who are not able recite daily

It’s a big zechus to join with others to recite a book of Tehillim. The Gemara says that one who davens for others with similar needs is answered first.

We have active groups on Whatsapp and Facebook. An updated list of names is emailed to all members weekly, along with any new names to be added.

To join us or submit a name, contact Elisheva Shields at or 904-874-1736. There's no commitment necessary to join. To submit a name, give the person’s (Hebrew) name and mother’s name, and your relationship to the person or situation. We look forward to welcoming you to our Jax Tehillim Circle!

Here are other opportunities in our community for Tehillim gatherings:

Women’s Rosh Chodesh Tehillim group meets at the home of Rivka Cohen, Sunday evenings at 7 pm. For those who are unable to attend in person, there is an option to recite at home. Bonnie Melamed (904-608-1535) is the coordinator for this group.

Gitty Cohen is currently hosting a Shabbos Kid’s Tehillim at their home. 5:30 PM.

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