Dear Friends,
We are all grieving from the passing of Oriel Cohen Z"L. Although the Cohen Family is in Israel, there are several ways we can offer a small level of comfort.

1) Write a Menachem Avel Letter
You can write a letter to Rabbi Yosef Chaim or Gitty or have your child write a letter or card to Shelly or Mosey. The letter must be dropped off by tomorrow (Tuesday) 3pm either to Torah Academy or into the Uhr mailbox, 2952 Bernice Drive- there will be envelopes in the mailbox you can put your letter in and seal it.
2) Donate to support the Cohen's during this difficult - and expensive - time. A fund has been set up, you can donate at this link
3) Learn Mishnayos in memory
You can sign up to commit to learn a mesechta of mishnayos here:
4) Do Mitzvos!
Do an extra Mitzvah, pray a little more, study more Torah!
Anything you do, do it in memory of Oriel Ben Yosef Chaim Z"L
לעלוי נשמת אוריאל בן יוסף חיים ז"ל
May Hashem comfort the Cohen Family among the all other mourners of Jerusalem